Thursday, November 30, 2006

With love to my nordic family

What was that weekend about really? I don't know really. I heard some stories.. and I thought I should write something about mine even though I don't really know.

I think God moved my thoughts just a couple of days before the weekend that there was something about Finland. I didn't really know what except that I was curious and happy that it would come so many finns to the gathering.

The meeting, with Finland, through some of you guys, filled me with different feelings. First of all - love. Second - grief, over a history of abuse, and the following captivity of the finnish self esteem and freedom. Third - amazement, and this is the coolest part of all. I don't know how I could explain but I believe God showed me how incredibly proud he is over what he created in Finland and it's people. God knows how special and strong his creation is. He showed me so much that my amazement almost bordered envy. That's cool!

I feel very small to say this, because it's like a bug saying to an elephant: "you are free to be what you are! It will be enormous, but it will be good!"

And I guess, sometimes very special people don't get feedback and approvement from the great leaders, they only get it from nobodies. But I believe God's kingdom is full of nobodies who God love and think very high thoughts about.

We live in a time when the parents are few. But I just want to say to you guys that you are my family. We just have to let each other both guide us sometimes and then cry with us when they need our safety.

The fourth thing that happened - joy! Joy over belonging to such cool people as you! Joy over just getting a glimpse over who you are. You're amazing. All of you!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

saturday at sukukokous

we come
if you call us there.
together we come
when you call us there.
together we come
- as you call us here.

Monday, November 20, 2006

some instructions: how to use the 24-7 Nordic blog

:: email me: there's a link at the very bottom, and say you'd like me to add you to the blog members, so then you can post (in english and other languages too, please!) you'll need a blogger account, but they're easy and free

:: pilgrimage: a good way of strengthening relationships between countries. email me when you are going to visit another Nordic city/country

:: blogs: a good way of keeping up with each other. let me know if you'd like your blog to be listed, or if you can edit the links in html, let me know and you'll have access

:: ideas? thoughts? please feel free to suggest ANYthing, a better finnish online dictionary or an idea for a mission trip or post about your last 24-7 week.

:: family gathering pictures: please add some if you took any! those of us organizing the gathering in Stockholm didn't get to take many, so we're relying on you! grab a free Flickr account here and let me know. I will add you to the group "24-7 Nordic Family Gathering" and you can post you pictures. thanks to Justin for starting us off with his pictures.

:: most of all have fun. the blog will be as good as we all make it.