Tuesday, March 23, 2010

an early spring visit.

How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It's like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, Flowing down Aaron's beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It's like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that's where God commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.
I remember many years wondering why on earth david is describing unity as an oil that flows down some guys beard- I mean come on.. isnt that kinda weird? Is it actually a positive and nice thing, or just something messy..? Then one evening as I was reading my Bible it somehow struck me, that actually oil was something with a purpose, it was to anoint. to anoint the prophets and the kings, to be rady for their tasks. and I guess this is also what unity, fellowship and other people do to us. in the proverbs it also says, as iron sharpens iron, so does man sharpen a man. in relationships it is, where we have the change to be seen, to see, be recognized and regocnize, to mold and be molded, take risks of loving and being loved and have our characters developed.
and also just to enjoy. what a delight it is, that our God is a relational God, and that he has given us the gift of being friends with people from different backrounds, with different personalities, with great senses of humour, from different countries, with different mother tongues.
our small finnish e-street community was blessed and excited by the visit of sollentunakollektivet last weekend. more of this!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

evenings with values

our little 24-7 team in Helsinki decided to start
inviting people in, and we just had our second 24-7
prayer evening at our home.

mikko prepared some really good lense-soup
and made some delicous bread, and vilja was
in charge of the evening. this time we gathered
around the theme and value of "prayer".
next gathering is in april, about "mission"

it was so encouraging and nice to see our living
room filled with people, dreams and smell of
good soup!

24-7 is starting a half a year encouragement
to pray for europe, and I shared briefly about it,
and gave everyone a chance to take a little
piece of paper with some european country
written on it. to have some country on a paper,
to search something out of it, to bless it.

montenegro, england, portugal, romania,
and the polish ania who has moved to finland
as a missionary got FINLAND on her paper!

vilja shared about seeking the place of prayer,
and we all took some time to listen to God
and think what and where and how God would
want us to pray and live it out.

we also watched the "vision" clip, and it was
really ispiring after a long time to hear the prophetic
words of it.

its coming, isnt it?
I dont know where it comes from,
and where it goes,

but I feel the breeze.